You are booked for a total hip replacement with Dr Liew
We know that this is a daunting time for you – and you have most likely been given a lot of information from Amelia regarding your upcoming total hip replacement. This page is intended for some general purpose reading and information for you to be more prepared for the journey you will take with Dr Liew and Orthopaedics 360.
General Information
A total hip replacement is a highly successful and well tolerated operation. Dr Chien-Wen Liew has chosen to perform all primary hip replacements using the direct anterior approach. The benefits of the direct anterior approach and risks would have been discussed with you in person. By now, Amelia would have discussed dates for surgery with you, and the lead time for surgery, to allow us to obtain the 3 dimensional scan for the production of the Patient Specific System jigs. Below is a summary of what is happening behind the scenes and includes some links for important aspects of your care which may or may not be relevant to your personal situation. If in doubt, please contact us.
Whats happens now?
After you leave the rooms
In general, a date for your 3 dimensional scan would have been made, or a discussion about when this might occur will be discussed. A few things are required before the surgery date.
Pre-Admission Appointment
An appointment with the hospital is made to discuss your individual requirements
Blood and Urine tests
A blood test is performed 1-2 weeks prior to surgery to check routine levels and identify if any issues are present. The urine specimen screens for undiagnosed infections. It is important not to have your bloods taken too early or they will need to be repeated.
An appointment with a physiotherapist may be suitable if you feel that a head start in identifying the exercises and aids would help you.
Anaesthetic Appointment
Our anaesthetist will be in contact with you prior to your surgery. This will either be a face to face meeting or a phone call, depending on your individual medical situation. Here you will discuss the various options. In general, surgery is performed with a spinal anaesthetic and a light general anaesthetic.
Pre-operative Medical Check
For patients with significant medical conditions that may need optimisation prior to surgery, our office will schedule an appointment with a physician at MEDPLUS. Drs Woo and Khow are our team looking after you throughout your stay from a medical nperspective. They are highly experienced in caring for patients post operatively.

Here are some general questions that are often asked – please feel free to send us your questions as we will update this list over time. As always, we value your concerns and queries and will do whatever we can to ensure you are well prepared and knowledgeable about your upcoming surgery.
TIMINGS: When will I find out my admission time?
REHAB: Do I need to go/organise my own rehab?
For our Total Hip Replacement patients, rehabilitation is generally not required. The Direct Anterior Approach for total hip replacement surgery is one where there are few post operative restrictions, comparatively low discomfort and good early function. As such, most patients do not require rehabilitation. If you do wish to go to a rehabilitation facility post operatively, please highlight this at your pre-admission appointment. Our discharge coordinator will attend to your individual requirements as you recover from your hip replacement and can help organise whatever is necessary.
DRIVING: When can I drive?
In general, aim to be driving approximately 2-3 weeks post operatively. We achieve this in approximately 80% of our patients. A few requirements need to be met before you are permitted to drive, as we allow our patients to drive a lot earlier than usual hip replacement patients. You must:
- Have attended your 2-3 week post operative check
- Be walking independently unaided or with a walking stick at most.
- Be off any sedation pain medications. (Panadol is fine)
Please do not drive to your initial post operative appointment, as we would like to quickly assess your ability to drive before you do so.
DVT: How long do I need to wear my white TED stockings?
The White TED stocks are used to hold a moderate degree of relatively comfortable compression to your calves. This reduces the venous pressure, and increases the ability for your body to circulate blood through your legs. Along with the foot pumps you will have in hospital and the Aspirin twice a day (or alternate blood thinner depending on your medical history), this greatly reduces the risk of blood clots. The ability for you to move as soon as the spinal wears off, and often walk the same day of surgery further decreases the blood clot risks. The white stockings are needed to be worn for 2 weeks post operatively, and can come off after this if you wish. There is no need to wear them long term, however if you are flying overseas during the first 3 months post operatively, it is advisable for you to wear some kind of compressive calf stocking on both legs for flights longer than 2 hours.
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94-96C Fullarton Road, Norwood, 5067