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Longevity of a total knee replacement

Longevity of a total knee replacement

Longevity of a Total KNEE Replacement in 2023   Another update, now almost 7 years since the last one, on longevity of a total knee replacement. Find out how long knee replacement last in the literature – what are the causes for failure, and who is at...
Kinematic Alignment for Total Knee Replacements

Kinematic Alignment for Total Knee Replacements

Kinematic Alignment is the technique where the anatomical position of the knee replacement is matched to a patients own anatomy. This means that the alignment for each and every person is unique – even the alignment between two knees on the same person! The...
Osteoarthritis on Hip and Knee Xrays

Osteoarthritis on Hip and Knee Xrays

Xrays can be used to determine the severity and progression of disease of a hip or knee replacement but they are never used to make the decision about WHEN to perform the surgery. In the video above, I go over some of the aspects we look for on Xrays.  How recent...
What is a Total Knee Replacement

What is a Total Knee Replacement

In this video we’ll discuss the basics about what a Total Knee Replacement is. As you can imagine, there is a lot more than in this summary video, but this is a starting point. For more information, please visit our Youtube Page, or Facebook and follow us to...
What is my Hip or Knee Replacement Made of?

What is my Hip or Knee Replacement Made of?

What is my Hip or Knee Replacement made of? Advances in materials has let to a huge change in what implants are made of. The understanding of how articulation (joints/bearings) wear has changed the face of hip and knee replacement surgery, and their expected...
How Long does a Total Hip or Knee Replacement Last

How Long does a Total Hip or Knee Replacement Last

Technology and Innovation – what I use now Over the years, technology, advances in materials, and an understanding of the hip and knee joint has improved the overall revision rates in surgery. Often, patients have a concept that hip and knee replacements only...